Mix-and-match Artillery
He has also sent an interesting photo showing his collection of mix-and-match guns using parts from not only other parts of the PA range, but also other manufacturers.As can be seen there is a lot of scope for mixing parts from different moulds to get something which looks closer to the historical dimensions.
I only have the PA moulds, so to bring the information together Steven has provided me some additional information on the Artidee and Nurnberger moulds, so I thought it worth collating the dimensions of the various parts...........
Dimension as measured on model (scaled up assuming 1:40):
PA - SYW 6pdr 32mm = 1280mm (12 spokes)
PA - Rossback 12pdr 32mm = 1280mm (8 spokes)
PA - Karoliner 6pdr 27mm = 1080mm (8 spokes)
Artidee - Prussian 12pdr 27mm = 1080mm (12 spokes)
These two diameters cover most of the Prussian and Austrian guns. The Austrians use the larger diameter for everything and the Prussians the smaller diameter for most of their 3pdr and 6pdr battalion guns, and the larger for the lighter 12pdrs (but not the Brummers).
Ideally you should use the 12 spoke wheels, the old PA 8 spoke are wrong.
Again dimension as measured on model (scaled up assuming 1:40):
PA - SYW 6pdr 68mm = 2720mm
Nurenberg 68mm = 2720mm
Artidee - Prussian 12pdr 59mm = 2360mm
PA - Rossback 12pdr 57mm = 2280mm
PA - Karoliner 6pdr 52mm = 2080mm
Information relating to carriages is not easy to come by, for example I assumed Napoleonic dimensions for the Austrians, and scaled the Prussians from Kronoskaf, however here are some examples:
Austrian 12pdr - length 3191mm - nothing long enough
Austrian 6pdr - length 2759mm - there is a PA carriage for this
Austrian 3pdr - length 2440mm - the Artidee 12pdr is closest (or PA Rossbach 12pdr)
Austrian how - length 2739mm - the PA Austrian 6pdr is fine
Prussian 3pdrs - one is 1900mm - the Karoliner 6pdr is closest
Prussian 6pdrs - one is 2200mm - the Rossbach 12pdr is closest
There is quite a nice collection of barrels, dimensions are the overall length including the counterweight, which is longer then the dimension often quoted:
Nurenberg - 55mm = 2200mm
PA - SYW Prussian 12pdr - 51mm = 2040mm
PA - Rossback 12pdr - 47mm = 1880mm
PA - SYW Austrian 6pdr - 43mm = 1720mm
Artidee - Prussian 12pdr - 42mm = 1680mm
PA - Karoliner 6pdr - 36mm = 1440mm
PA - SYW Russian Uni. - 28mm = 1120mm
PA - SYW Austrian how - 26mm = 1040mm
I don't have a lot of information on overall lengths, but I measured the Austrian barrels in Vienna:
Austrian 12pdr - length 2030mm - PA Prussian 12pdr is closest
Austrian 6pdr - length 1640mm - PA produce this (model is a bit long)
Austrian 3pdr - length 1270mm - Karoliner 6pdr is closest
Austrian how - length 1040mm - PA produce this
So What does all this mean?
Well if you want to try and match a gun you can try mixing parts from different moulds, for example an Austrian 3pdr would have:
- A barrel from the Karoliner 6pdr
- The carriage from the Rossbach 12pdr
- Wheels from the SYW 6pdr
I'll give it a go next time I get the moulds out!
As always comments welcome, and information on your projects would be welcome.