A belated Happy New Year to you all.
I hope you are all busy casting and painting............personally, I have done nothing with my 40mm collection for the last few months - I really must do something as I have a pile of them cast and ready for painting. I have however been working with Chris Tubb with respect to further additions to the range to be released once the British infantry are complete - so there is more coming (if there is a market for them).
Peter's Figures
In the last post I asked Peter (Peter Michael Prow) to let me have some photos of his painted figures - here are some he kindly sent me - he clearly has a much steadier hand than I do!
The figures are all are painted with Games Workshop acrylics, (he works there) heavily coated with thick a thick brushed on coat of Humbrol gloss.
Austria - Bercheny Hussars - Senior Officer
Britain - 15th Light Dragoons
Prussia - Szekely Hussars - Officer
France - Royal Nassau Hussars - Trooper
Prussia - Le Noble Freikorps
Russia - Officer, Grenadiers and a few Pandour
Austria - Senior Officer
Prussia - Von Kleist Freikorps