
Monday, 13 January 2025

Photos of Peter's Figures

A belated Happy New Year to you all.

I hope you are all busy casting and painting............personally, I have done nothing with my 40mm collection for the last few months - I really must do something as I have a pile of them cast and ready for painting. I have however been working with Chris Tubb with respect to further additions to the range to be released once the British infantry are complete - so there is more coming (if there is a market for them).

Peter's Figures

In the last post I asked Peter (Peter Michael Prow) to let me have some photos of his painted figures - here are some he kindly sent me - he clearly has a much steadier hand than I do!

The figures are all are painted with Games Workshop acrylics, (he works there) heavily coated with thick a thick brushed on coat of Humbrol gloss.

Austria - Bercheny Hussars - Senior Officer 

Britain - 15th Light Dragoons

Prussia - Szekely Hussars - Officer

France - Royal Nassau Hussars - Trooper


Prussia - Le Noble Freikorps

Russia - Officer, Grenadiers and a few Pandour

Austria - Senior Officer

Prussia - Von Kleist Freikorps 

Friday, 6 December 2024

British Infantry - First Look

Sculpting on the British (& Hanoverian) infantry is progressing well, Chris Tubb has kindly sent me some digital images to share. 

The same poses have been used as for the other nations so that they can all be mixed and matched. Once the British infantry are in production, I think that completes the 'close order' foot soldiers for the major nations - it's only taken 10 years😀. By mixing and matching bodies and heads from those moulds we should be able to get pretty close to casting infantry types from most nations. 

Rank and File

To try and cover the variation between units in the uniforms and equipment carried by different units we decided to produce 2 moulds, one for the 'hatmen' and the other for the 'grenadiers'. As usual heads will be interchangeable to get as close as possible to the unit you want.


These can be used represent the majority of the infantry, the coats have no shoulder wings and no sword is carried, just a bayonet.


A second mould will be produced to represent the grenadiers and fusiliers. The figures have been 'upgraded' with the addition of shoulder wings on the coats, a sword and a cartridge pouch on the front of the waist belt.


Unlike other nations the British officers wore the sash over their shoulders, so a new figure is needed. He will have a 'plug in' hand to allow him to carry the musket shown, a sword or pole arm. 


British drummers were quite distinctive, with hanging sleeves and a fancy mitre cap - so we really needed one of those 😀

Standard Bearer and NCO

As far as I am aware nothing has been done yet. The British standards were carried by junior officers, so I have suggested that one is needed.

Will I ever get my Prussian cuirassiers??????????????????????

As always your comments are very welcome.